Originally Posted by SamirDarji
You know, when I first read how the system would reset the total to ban level, I thought that it shoud work differently. But at that time it really didn't affect too much, so it wasn't of much concern. Now it does affect the way warnings and bans would expire. I'm not sure how hard it would be to make it keep the total as opposed to resetting it, but if it is too hard, having the 3 points (in your example) would be better than 0. I'm sure whatever changes (if any) that need to be done will be positive.
And I think I need to say this as well. I have been working with vb extensively for a couple of months now on my site, and I have worked on all sorts issues and hacks/fixes. I need to say that the support for this hack (and everything John has done for this warning hack) is far beyond what I have seen even for pay solutions. Thank you John for dedicating this type of time and effort to the community. Your contribution means so much to so many of us. I vote this should be the hack of the month.
OK, let me try to answer some of the latest posts here:
1. I have to thank SamirDarji for the nice words, sincerely appreciated.
2. From next release, points would accumulate and not be reset to the maximum. Please be careful, I do not say that banned members will be unbanned, based on the expiration of the warnings, this is more involved and it might take some time. But if the warning points are not reset, then at least someone can always do the maths and come up with the right answers. As it is today, you may see 4 points, and wonder where are the rest of them, since the totals for the warnings one has received maybe 12 or 15.
3. Automating warnings: I'll check it out today and see how easy it is to implement it in a subversion, or if a new version would be required.
4. For ChrisLM2001, at the moment, the banned member is restored to his previous usergroup when he is unbanned. I can add a Warning Options, in which you could specify the user group in which the member is returned into. Would that help?
5. For fpouk, it can be done, you just have to enclose the part which shows the warning points and bans, in conditionals similar to the ones used for showing the "Warn XYZ" and "View XYZ's Warnings". The question is, if you are using hierarchical, then the Super Mods will be able to see the warning points of the mods. Do you want it that way? For your help, it's in the postbit template (or postbit_legacy).
6. For Shack Networks, if you do not use the hierarchical schema, I think your admins/supermods/mods can warn any other usergroup. I'll change it so that this works that way, even with hierarchical.
7. For Shack Networks, as for your list idea, I can check what it means to check the words against a list and add a warning automatically. As for the web sites list, I think this can wait, I am not sure I have the expertise to do it, so maybe in release... 12.0.0. LoL
OK, if you guys don't make me answer so many posts here I would have time to work more on the hack. See you later, I am going to make the "to do" list and start working.