Originally Posted by sv1cec
I tend to agree with you.
The only problem is, that with the system as it is now, when a member reaches the maximum points and he is banned, his total warning points get reset to the maximum warning points. When the lesser warnings start getting removed, he artificially ends up with fewer points than he should have. In your example above, and assuming that the first offense was worth 2 points, the second 7 and the third 5, when the user was banned, he had 14 points, but the moment he gets banned he is left with 10 (let's assume the limit is 10). When the two minor warnings expire, (2+5) he is left with only 3 points.
I think that this is something I should address, by not resetting his total points to 10, but leaving them at whatever they were the moment he got banned, i.e. 14 in this case. In that way, even when the minor offenses are removed, he still has the 7 points from the major one, and with 3 more he gets banned again.
You know, when I first read how the system would reset the total to ban level, I thought that it shoud work differently. But at that time it really didn't affect too much, so it wasn't of much concern. Now it does affect the way warnings and bans would expire. I'm not sure how hard it would be to make it keep the total as opposed to resetting it, but if it is too hard, having the 3 points (in your example) would be better than 0. I'm sure whatever changes (if any) that need to be done will be positive.
And I think I need to say this as well. I have been working with vb extensively for a couple of months now on my site, and I have worked on all sorts issues and hacks/fixes. I need to say that the support for this hack (and everything John has done for this warning hack) is far beyond what I have seen even for pay solutions. Thank you John for dedicating this type of time and effort to the community. Your contribution means so much to so many of us. I vote this should be the hack of the month.