Originally Posted by mcyates
I think that this is something I should address, by not resetting his total points to 10, but leaving them at whatever they were the moment he got banned, i.e. 14 in this case. In that way, even when the minor offenses are removed, he still has the 7 points from the major one, and with 3 more he gets banned again.
What do you people think?
That would be better, just let the points warning do the job. and when one warning is removed and the points go below the banned limit he is unbanned
That's a good suggestion. Try to make it as automatic as possible, too. Points come down, and the offender can get the green light to return. Would be nice if this hack can be written so after the points do come down, an Admin can choose which usergroup the offender can return too. Either his former one, or a moderated one. That's one less followup an Admin needs to do. Set it and forget it.
Sv1cec: thanks for the heads up about the email variations, too.