Okay! everything is done except for creating the installation file. hmm
* Added ability to edit or remove his/her guestbook entry within the default vB's timeout setting
* Lots more Usergroup settings (that actually work :ninja: )
* Colors etc are changed from one configuration file (didn't add to vBulletin admin area because it was just too much for one settings page...)
* PM or Email Notification option, or none (Default option is set by Admin)
* HTML or vBcode when creating webpage content (not both)
* HTML is limited to Admin set HTML tags in the Administration area
* Language controlled through vB's Language system
* Option to display users Avatars (controllable FORCED sizing)
* Smilies option (On or Off)
* Usergroup settings added; Can have Webpage, Can have Guestbook, Can view Guestbook, Can view Webpage, Can post in Guestbook