What code are you using to display the banner?
You just need to put a centre that. Ill help if you post the HTML which is displaying the banner.
With regard to the perl script to make the link work, if you want to count the number of clicks of the banner then you need to use a perl script as the target of the banner. This is so you can count the number of times the perl script has been opened using a normal log file analysis program like Webtrends.
The perl script should be located in your cgi-bin folder and you will need to make your banner link <A HREF= 'link to your perl script' target='_blank'>
The link itself can be relative e.g.: '../cgi-bin/yourperlscript.pl'
or direct 'htp://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/yourperscript.pl'.
The first one is preferable.
It looks like you haven't got the link location correct.
The perl script will work if you put it in your cgi-bin folder and in telnet or with an appropriate ftp program chmod 755 yourperlscript.pl
Presumably you have copied my example to create the correct perl script?
Note : it's possible to have an alternative to using a perl script if you instead have the link fire up your own php application which counts the clicks for you.
But you will need some programming and database experience to do this.