Ok, I thought I saw this but cannot find it now.. it is NOT the affiliates Banner program, so don't link me to it. Basicaly you supply the banners in either a folder or you specify it in the ACP, but the user goes to the link to us page and gets the code for each of the specified banners for his/her site... PHPNuke had this and I thought I saw it for vB somewhere...
I proved 3 banners for my site
banner_a.jpg 31x88
banner_b.jpg 64x120
banner_c.jpg 88x400
When they go to the "Link to Us page"
They see 3 images and the codes for each, i.e.
image of banner_a
HTML Code:
<a href="http://www.oursite.com/"><img src="http://www.oursite.com/pathto/image/banner_a.jpg" height="31" width="88"></a>
image of banner_b
HTML Code:
<a href="http://www.oursite.com/"><img src="http://www.oursite.com/pathto/image/banner_b.jpg" height="64" width="120"></a>
All dynamicaly created by either the images in the specified folder (thats how it worked with PHPNuke) or by specifing each image in the ACP (not sure if thats how the one for vB works.)
If you know where I can get this script, please link me to it... I know I saw it somewhere, I just can't find it here or at vbulletin.com, mind you searching for words like to and us won't work cuz it has a 3 letter minimum...

and Link brings up just about every post.
Please help, thx