Originally Posted by The Prince
Hi lierduh PLEASE HELP,
I'm having signature problems. Posts are being sent no problem. Footer is sent no problem. Username sent too. But signatures only appear in local forum and are not sent in usenet. And the signature box before posting is selected.
In file functions_nntp.php
Around line 340. Replace the block of the code with the following:
PHP Code:
$userinfo = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT email, signature, usertitle, customtitle
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield
ON user.userid = usertextfield.userid
WHERE user.userid = $newthread[userid]
Also, you modified the email sent to usenet, is it still possible to have the emails sent the old way?
Finally, is it possible to strip the footer of a message? The reason I'm asking is that in the newgroup I'm using there are many similar footers used by other websites, and I'd like to prevent my users from seeing the link of a competitor. I'd like for these footer not to show. (it says in the settings that the killfiles are not set to work with usenet)
Leave the email as default (empty), then it will behavour the same way as before.
I think someone posted a modification about the chopping of footer for the usenet in this thread somewhere.