Ok ok ok ok please everyone calm down. When I did this on phpBB.com it was not as popular, ehm im going to sound like an arse now, this mod will not be supported and is being removed if you want it its $5.99! lol joke
Ok first thing
This is my first vbulletin mod or whatever you want to call it, i came from work checked my gmail i said one person replied so now its three pages, will everyone please read other posts as most questions have been asked and answered by other users before posting. Its going to be hard for me to keep checking this and offering support, you
must read the Instructions.txt for the radio.blog sound converting
It works on windows operating system, i dont know about mac and bat files, sometimes you need to check that only mp3s are in there and not txt or wma files are in, make sure you can run .bat files.
Second of all i need one more person to partner this mod with, it would be nice if someone else other than me can keep checking and offering support and helping. please email me
Some questions
If I got you right: I can add all my songs I purchased legally and my forum users can listen to them? And that's really not illegal?
You place whatever songs you want to have, the users can only listen and stream them they cannot steal them unless they are using radio.blog and your sounds/ directory is open (meaning people can see everything in the folder thats why i put a blank .php file, other wise check
[quote]its a radio people, your not distributing mp3 files....relax.[/qoute]
read that ^
U do dbl click on .bat file with the mp3 files on ur pc and then upload the rbs files correct. cause i have the mp3 files in my create.sound dir but when I dbl click on the .bat file it does nothing. I kept checking the sounds dir but the .rbs files never appeared.
Hmm double check you dont have txt or wma files and can use .bat files and also run an update on update.windows.com your pc may need command prompt updates with the new service pack, more problems check the
www.radioblogclub.com forum and dont please for keep sakes say its this mod as they support there player not the mod just search on that site for common questions like that dont bring my mod into it
Not checked for mac mate, can some beta person check this?
Finally, again please someone think about helping me out with this as im kind of new, also ill update the file soon with a FAQ file and some new radioblog stuff along with a program (opensource keeping it legal ) that may allow you to run the bat with no problems, oh im being silly now but if your site is harry potter related or you want to link my sites or this mod feel free to link
www.khaleel.co.uk or
www.death-eater.net using
http://fan.death-eater.net/ for links again ill try keeping up enjoy my mod
over and out