Originally Posted by Natch
You think 150 users are overtaxing a virtual server environment? From my experience, most shared server environments go around the 2000 user mark before opening a new box...
Most of these hosts do this to turn a quick profit. Hosting is a slow bussiness, it takes along time to see a good return when you figure what you have to put in to hardware, software, bandwidth, power, + extra unforseen spending.
To cut some costs they will overload the box if they have to, then if a site starts to eat up resources to the point it hurts everyone else you might get asked to 'upgrade' your hosting acount.
Lets not even get into most re-sellers....
@ thread starter:
Can you provide us with some info please? How many posts/threads/users dose your forum have? How many users do you have online at the same time most of the day?
What hacks have you installed?