Originally Posted by restless
while this is indeed a great hack, i would like to reiterate was is probably beating a dead horse...
this addition has nothing to do with a files database. it's links. the name is misleading.
i wish someone would do an addon to this hack that includes an uploader.
Sorry that you feel this way - I am clearly doing something wrong in offering our members access to several hundred files by using this hack! I think that the only possible confusion is that the "files" are not stored in the database, only the location of the files. Storing lots of files in a database is generally not good practice anyway because of the size problems.
An uploader is deliberately not part of the hack, as I did not want to get into all the issues of security management that it will create. There is plenty of software available to handle secure file uploading into web site directories, or into secure directories outside the web structure. Of course, there's nothing to stop anyone providing a separate hack to achieve this, but I want to resist any extensions *to this hack*.