Originally Posted by Intex
GenSec - I've installed this most popular hack and it seems to work, but it doesn't seem to show the rating in the correct numerical order if there is a decimal point in the equation. For example if one user rates a game '1' and another rates it '4', the average is '2.5'.
Any games that have a decimal place appear at the top of the list. Do you know a workaround? Also, would it be difficult to have the titles of the games appear alphabetically from A>Z. Currently they appear as highest ranked in DESC order which shows the game titles from Z>A.
Code is "WHERE g.votetotal>3 ORDER BY votetotal DESC" thus show games with sum of votes >3 in sum of votes order from highest.
Your ex. has votetotal=5. You саn change it to alphabetically from A>Z
just using instead of above "ORDER BY title".