Good point Dean, but doing that constitutes a direct hack of the code and voids the Jelsoft user support plan.
That said, since phpinclude_start executes at the very start of any page load it's best to cache it's templates at the start of global.php. Here's how:
In your global.php file look for this code
PHP Code:
// identify where we are
define('VB_AREA', 'Forum');
Directly after it add the following:
PHP Code:
$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates,
That merges in the templates mentioned in Lesson 3. If you add more templates, simply add them to the list following the format given above - each item in ' ' marks and followed by a coma (if you miss a coma on the very last entry it doesn't matter).
EDIT: I don't do this on a fairly large board and it doesn't seem to slow the system down noticably - then again we have some very new equipment there. Dean's right - doing this will reduce the # of queries ran, but at a cost of voiding the support program - at least until you remove the hack.