I tried installing this program, but couldn't get it working. So I uninstalled it, and everything was fine. Till I tried to edit a usergroup, and I got this error message:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Guest',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Guest',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '0',
passwordhistory = '0',
avatarmaxwidth = '80',
avatarmaxheight = '80',
avatarmaxsize = '20000',
profilepicmaxwidth = '100',
profilepicmaxheight = '100',
profilepicmaxsize = '65535',
pmquota = '50',
pmsendmax = '0',
forumpermissions = '4103',
pmpermissions = '0',
calendarpermissions = '0',
wolpermissions = '1',
adminpermissions = '0',
genericpermissions = '1',
genericoptions = '8',
journalpermissions = '0',
siguploaderpermissions = '0',
arcadepermissions = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'siguploaderpermissions' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
^ Now, I have tried re-installing my forum without the hack ever touching it, but I still get that error. I'm posting it here because of the 'siguploader' thing that I uninstalled. Any idea what could be causing it, so I can go fix the problem? >_>