Yes there is... This will not only mak ethe messages table bigger, it wil even it out with the connected users table...
Go to template
PHP Code:
<td class='alt2' align='center' width='80%' height='300' rowspan='2'>
<iframe width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' border='0' src='vBChat.php?&do=chatFrame' name='vBChatFrame' onload='checkInp()'>Your Browser Does Not Support Iframe's, Get One That Does!</iframe>
<td class='alt2' align='center' width='20%' height='300'>
<iframe width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' border='0' src='vBChat.php?&do=chatUser' name='vBChatUser'>Your Browser Does Not Support Iframe's, Get One That Does!</iframe>
Replace With:
PHP Code:
<td class='alt2' align='center' width='80%' height='345' rowspan='2'>
<iframe width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' border='0' src='vBChat.php?&do=chatFrame' name='vBChatFrame' onload='checkInp()'>Your Browser Does Not Support Iframe's, Get One That Does!</iframe>
<td class='alt2' align='center' width='20%' height='300'>
<iframe width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' border='0' src='vBChat.php?&do=chatUser' name='vBChatUser'>Your Browser Does Not Support Iframe's, Get One That Does!</iframe>
*How to change message and connected users area BG without killing the style sheet
*How to make Smilies appear not randomly, and only from a selected smilies group (Generic Smilies)