Originally Posted by Ranam2k
Hi AndrewD
Thaks alot of the script i still use it since ver 1
i wanted to ask you something
In my site i add the download files in a diffrent server & on that server i enabled the hotlinking protection even for direct request
the only way to download is if the refferal for the download is comming from my site
is there a way to add a specific refferal Url in the script so it send it with the link while the force redirection option is on ?! or even while the force redirection is off ?!
Thinking about this (but without spending time trying it out

If force_redirect is off, etc, the download is handled as a series of reads/writes. The code uses an fopen() call to access the download file, and this turns into an HTTP GET. My Apache log shows that this GET is recorded against the IP address of the requesting server, so your file host should be able to see that the request is legitimate.
If force_redirect is on, then the code eventually drops through to the STANDARD_REDIRECT template within Vbulletin. This sends a series of HTTP headers to the file host, and I would think you could add an HTTP_REFERER.