Originally Posted by twoseven
xenon the one you are thinking of is the stockmarket crash of 1929 (i think) now blackfriday is the day after thanksgiving in the U.S. its a good idea to stay away from stores in the US on that day. it reminds me of the wild animals (mainly females) attacking one another
Black Friday is also a term used in Australia from a firestorm in 1939 as told
"Tragedy struck on Black Friday, the 13th of January 1939 when a firestorm swept across Victoria......71 people died."
The term used commonly in the US for the 'day after thanksgiving' was given such a name as
Black Friday because it resulted in a shift from being (unprofitable) "in the red" to (profitable) "in the black", back when accounting records were kept by hand and different colored ink was used to determin a good or bad number.
However, the
Wikipedia lists several "Black Friday" events in history.
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