Can someone please help me & zorobz? we had a little problem :
In the middle of the installation, i clicked 'Apply Database Modifications' to go next, but then i had a gateway timeout.. As I know this is nothing serious, so i went back and again clicked 'Apply Database Modifications', but then i got SQL Server errors that the table allready exists(mysql error: Table 'vb3_vbchat_store' already exists & mysql error: Table 'vb3_vbchat_datastore' already exists), so i went back and deleted all tables with the words 'VbChat' in them (vb3_vbchat_store & vb3_vbchat_datastore) BUT then when i try again i get a Collumn error ( mysql error: Duplicate column name 'vbchat_pref_font_face' )........ What can i do to fix this? I did not backup the database before i started the installation (sorry)
How can we fix this? :S:S:S