Originally Posted by James T Brock
(1) Needs KO's along with wins and loses.
(2) A better stats system so that it counts top 10 users, who has the most KO's, most loses, best win percentage.
(3) I've seen the script in action and have it downloaded, but have been reluctant to install it on my forums until the original author (or someone else) is willing to support it. Does the current script allow the amount of votes to be set to any number we want, or does it have to stay at five? I want to be able to set it at twenty votes.
I don't think any of these would be very difficult... but then again - i agree with the support - the hack is kind of premature and has a ton of bugs now... i'm kind of reluctant to fix everything without the proper support behind it.
If i do choose to get EVERY detail together - i'll probably have to see if MindTrix is still interested in providing support - or i'll re-release a new version myself - take the BS from other members - but atleast you guys get the hack you wanted!
Anyways, i'm going to give this a few days. LiquidIce - check your PM's!