Gah, I get this when I submit the vBchat settings:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/invoid/public_html/forum/includes/adminfunctions.php:223) in /home/invoid/public_html/forum/admincp/admin_vbchat.php on line 126
Line 223 should be somewhere in there:
// get the appropriate <title> for the page
case 'AdminCP': $titlestring = iif($title, "$title - ") . "$vboptions[bbtitle] - vBulletin $vbphrase[admin_control_panel]"; break;
case 'ModCP': $titlestring = iif($title, "$title - ") . "$vboptions[bbtitle] - vBulletin $vbphrase[moderator_control_panel]"; break;
case 'Upgrade': $titlestring = iif($title, "vBulletin $title - ") . "$vboptions[bbtitle]"; break;
case 'Install': $titlestring = iif($title, "vBulletin $title - ") . "$vboptions[bbtitle]"; break;
default: $titlestring = iif($title, "$title - ") . "$vboptions[bbtitle]";
// if there is an onload action for <body>, set it up
$onload = iif($onload != '', " $onload");
// set up some options for nav-panel and head frames
if (defined('IS_NAV_PANEL'))
$htmlattributes = ' class="navbody"';
$bodyattributes .= ' class="navbody"';
$headinsert .= '<base target="main">';
$htmlattributes = '';
No idea what is wrong. I did a clean install on a 3.0.3 of 1.0.1
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: Possible little bug, you can private message yourself. It doesnt do any harm, but I want to let you know anyway.
EDIT2: As a suggestion for next version, could you make it so the chat recognizes who is admin/mod/regular user? To show the different color ranks and stuff?
And as for the chat, impressive work. I most definetly like it.