I cant seem to get this to work.
here my settings.
// #################### ENTER DATABASE INFORMATION #######################
$host = "localhost";
$user= "x";
$password= "x";
//vbulletin database name
//E-Mail Address where MySQL Error Messages are sent to
$adminemail = "icechrono@gmail.com";
// ###################### ENTER IMAGE INFORMATION #########################
//Width of banner image
$width = 468;
//Height of banner image
$height = 60;
//Left text-margin
$left = 13;
//text-margin from top
$top = 70;
//Font Size
$fontsize = 7;
//If you have GD2 or higher set $sgdver to 1, for any older GD version set $sgdver to 0
$sgdver = 0;
//If you wish to use a TrueType font set $ttfe to 1, for default php font set $ttfe to 0
$ttfe = 1;
//If you wish to use a TrueType font, please enter the location to the .ttf file below
$ttff = "verdana.ttf";
//Line-spacing of text
$zeilenabstand = 15;
//full path to empty signature image (input image)
$vorlagedatei = "home/pjrpg/vb/sig.jpg";
//full path to signare image with forum data (output image)
$ausgabedatei = "home/pjrpg/vb/signature.jpg";
//Compression of output image
$komprimierung = 95;
//debug mode
$debug = 0;
any help?