Thank you for the command!
Originally Posted by Paul
UPDATE `post` SET originalid = NULL;
I'm not sure if changes to the script to support a direct vb3 conversion would require additional changes.
I'm getting it! I was just in on myphpadmin looking at the data and I see that each record retains this previous/next numeric data. After the records are converted in, Vbulletin doesn't need that information and the ONLY reason that I would need it is if additional records from the SAME board were to be brought in.
I also saw that records added by Vbulletin were NULL in those fields, therefore, interim posting on Vbulletin shouldn't matter.
It is when I need to bring in an unrelated board with record numbers in a lower or different range than before, that the new fields need to be NULLed.
My board system has related forums and unrelated forums. I'm thinking of having two sets of "originalid and previousid" fields (named differently) and using two different import scripts (fields renamed) so as to manage importing these related and unrelated forums.
EDIT: It worked! The additional fields worked! All finished! I imported 18,207 threads including 81,327 posts from seven different boards! Life is good! Thank you Vbulletin and thank you Paul, TGMorris and Dustyb for the conversion script and the encouraging information!