Originally Posted by cdoyle
I hope this is the right forum to post this question.
But I was wondering if this is possible,
On our forum, we have 2 sets of users. 'Registered' or free members, and 'Platinum' Members (members who have paid the subscription service). The platinum members get the avatar, signature, and access to more forums.
What I thought would help to encourage the free members to upgrade to the platinum, if possible have a message appear in the header.
That says something like
"Do you want an Avatar, or Signature, or access to more forums? Then upgrade to our Platinum Membership by clicking here"
Is there a way to make a message like this appear for only the registered members? and not for the people who have already signed up for the platinum?
Thanks in advance
yes in very easy way
check what is usergroupid of registed members
now lets say you want to show the msg on index.php
so on index.php before
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('FORUMHOME') . '");');
if ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == "4") {
// 4 is exsample to registed usergroup id
eval('$buymsg = "' . fetch_template('buypl') . '";');
} else {
$buymsg = "";
now add new template called buypl with the text you wanted
also edit forumhome template and add $buymsg where you want it to be showen
this supuse to work
if not tell me