Originally Posted by krohnathlonman
in archive/index.php go down around line 189....
PHP Code:
echo "<div id=\"content\">\n<ol start=\"$start\" id=\"thread\">\n";
while ($thread = $DB_site->fetch_array($threads))
$bah = str_replace(" ", "_", $thread[title]);
echo "\t<li><a href=\"t-$thread[threadid]$bah.html\" d=\"$thread[lastpost]\">$thread[title]</a></li>\n";
echo "</ol>\n</div>\n";
Here's this quick mod in action: http://www.iamnotageek.com/archive/index.php/f-48.html
basically it puts the Thread title into the URL which in my testing seems to give better search rankings than the URL without the name of the topic in it.
Obviously your mileage may vary..... THis is NOT to start a debate on search placements.
I tried using your code. It does not WORK. There is probably something you didnt instruct us on.