I just installed this on a win2003 server running apache and it installed no problems with no errors at all , bar 1 slight user error.
I noticed as i installed i was quite hasty when clicking NEXT maybe you should put tick boxes to make sure people have read what is being done before they can click ?
I also noticed that the README.html never displayed for me while installing and i thought that the hack didnt work - it was only after searching the folders that i found the README.HTML and discovered i had a few templates and files to edit ... after that everything worked perfectly.
Personally , I wanted a list of users online to be displayed in the shoutbox so that people didnt go posting when no-one was online (i know some people dont have this no-one else online issue, but my forum is newish) so i checked the script and added a tiny little code that i think helps a little.
on FORUMHOME template Find :
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == textarea && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><center><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="60" class="bginput" wrap></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form></center></if>
and REPLACE with :
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == textarea && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><center><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="60" class="bginput" wrap></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form></center></if>
<div class="smallfont"><b>Active Users: </b>$activeusers</div> </span></td>
All thats being added in is :
<div class="smallfont"><b>Active Users: </b>$activeusers</div>
but where its placed is important to how it displays.
Thanks a million for the Hack - i had a shoutbox on the site already, but no-one used it as it was popup only - this one is a much better system.