Originally Posted by Hialls
"Your Masamune is for a different class. Please sell it."
I seem to get this for all weapens on any class.. any idea what to do?
You have to update the Battle Type of the weapon category in Edit Items.
If you setup a new Class Type, you have to set what weapons can be used by this type.
Originally Posted by TheHeggy
OKay, I'm gonna sound like a giant nerd by asking this, but that's okay
I'm trying to set up a Star Wars based RPG. The only problem is the sprites are based on gender, and not race. This makes it a little funky when someone has their race set as a Wookie, and their class set as a Rebel Soldier -- Because then their sprite is a human.
Is there a way to either add genders and just use it as races, or to have the sprites operate off of the races instead? I'm a little stumped.
No, sorry