Well yes I see he did do some work on it. Those tables are just a matter of useing the css code so you can do that now. Just try explaining that to your members. Plus on my screen size he has alot of wasted space using those tables. See I went an picked it apart.
You have checked my progress on my site right? I have the multiple garages working, well displaying anyway. Most the other things I had are now in the latest version too. I have just been having one heck of a time with this becuase it was no where near being complet when I got it, so between knowing what they where doing an figureing out new templates this has been taking awhile. Still hope to get it done by the end of the month, but I don't want to promise anything right now.
I will be installing new heads, an doing a cam swap in my car this weekend so I doubt I'll have much time for vbgarage.