Originally Posted by woodp
I looked at your wbb3.php code and it seems to be exactly what I need - And I can follow every instruction except the MySQL changes.
Can anyone walk this phpMySQL newbie through the
ALTER TABLE post ADD COLUMN originalid int(5);
ALTER TABLE post ADD COLUMN previousid int(5);
steps. After that I'm fine, but what exactly do I need to do here?
I'm in the same boat - I have phpMyAdmin but it looks like I could really mess things up without help to make the changes. Anyone have a step-by-step?
EDIT: Found this!
In phpMyAdmin, click "SQL". Then copy and paste this:
ALTER TABLE post ADD COLUMN previousid int(5);
there and click "Go".
64,949 posts including 13,667 threads imported!
Is there any way to get these "imported existing user posts" to sync up with "user profiles" as new profiles for the poster are entered on the board?