its easy and you can even show and hide parts of a page based on if a persons logged in or not. also if a full page needs you to be logged in you can auto show a login page and when logged in it takes them back to the page they where trying to view. can also get it to show your vb pm stats and hive mail stats and even get it tell you when you got new pm's and e-mail
all it needs is 2 small files well 3-4 if you count the login and signup pages. then each site page as 2 php calls if its a members only page and one call if its open to everyone. no need at all to call any vb files and its also abad idea to call vb files when your not with the forums root because vb files call other vb files from within each other.
eg vb's global.php call's includes/functions.php and /includes/init.php
so if your including global out side of the forums root useing like <?php @include "/home/YOURFORUM/public_html/global.php";?> on a site page then global is not able to read the files its trying to read. because global on the site page now infact becomes part of the site page so its call's to files are trying to call them from your sites root not the forums root and you can go on all day because files call other files and them files call other files.
but what your after can be done as you know seanie, because you know that its what i have been doing for years on my sites and thats what your after doing.