Using vbmail
I wrote a function that sends a private message to another user. I bascially grabbed some code from private.php. Everything's working fine, except for the new pm email notifications.
When I use the lines:
eval(fetch_email_phrases('pmreceived', $touserinfo['langageid'], '', 'email'));
vbmail($touserinfo['email'], $emailsubject, $emailmessage);
the email notifications are going out, but none of the site data is filled in. The messages have holes in them. The email subjects say "New Private Message at" and the body of the emails say:
"You have received a new private message at from . Please click here to
log in and read it:
Now, obviously I'm just not including a file I need that will get me access to some VBulletin variables. My question is, what file do I need to include?