Hi guys,
I just wanted to say hello to my old crew and buddies from VB team.
Sorry about the looooooooooong absence, that's life.
Many things got rolling for me so I was really busy... no posting here, at VB.org site.
One thing is for sure, I miss all of you, you are like my second family.
What's new? Working like crazy for Bell.ca, many hours into it, daily.
Lately, I've been working a lot with ColdFusion, the guys at Bell are freaks on that, no other door openings for PHP language, etc.

The cPublisher.com project is not abandoned, as many people think, is sort of "forgotten" for a little while. I can say with certitude that me, Xenon and DirectPixel we will make you happy one day. Here you have it, I hope Stefan and Alex will not kill me for letting the secret out.
Other stuff, my wife is not pregnant, yet, heh. We're rolling on 3rd year of mariage. We will see about it later next year...
Life is good in Montreal, is getting nippy out there, if you know what I mean.
All the best,
Floren aka Nakkid

(who remembers this nick?)
PS. FireFly??????? Where are you???????