Originally Posted by zendiver
One small thing to add for the more inexperienced members trying to install this hack. If you are following the updated version of the hack "Weclome PM Hack [Oct 14 2004]" and you open up phpMyAdmin to run the queries and you get the following error:
PHP Code:
Error SQL-query : INSERT INTO `setting` ( `varname` , `grouptitle` , `value` , `defaultvalue` , `optioncode` , `displayorder` , `advanced` , `volatile` ) VALUES ( 'regpmactive', 'register', '1', '1', '', 139, 0, 0 ) MySQL said: Table 'database_name.setting' doesn't exist
it is because you have a prefix on your tables in your database.
To fix this problem, go back into the instructions and everwhere it says:
INSERT INTO `setting`
make sure you add the prefix for your tables:
Example: My tables have vb3_ as the prefix so I added it to look like the following:
INSERT INTO `vb3_setting`
INSERT INTO vb3_phrase
Hope this helps

yeah, I just copy the original one over.
anyway, there's a fun way to do this:turn on debug mod, and add directly from ACP/vB Options

but ... you have to know what you are doing, or you will distroy your board.