here is what I did so far:
I downloaded and installed the link above in less than 5 minutes.
Added a table below linkdesc table with same attributes and called it extendedlinkdesc
In the script, after every instance of linkdesc or $linkdesc, I added a similar line for extendedlinkdesc or $extendedlinkdesc
with conditionals, I made
a-the editor show only to certain usergroup
b-if condition $extended is not null then the link is different or, like in the thumb example, there is a ... more link.
I copied entire function if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "jump")
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "extendedjump")
in order to create inhouse jumplink (the more link)
here is where I am fumbling
a-the extendedjump field does not display html
b-I'd like for the extended jump link to do an eval, call template extended jumlinkbit where all I would have in there will be $extendedlinkdesc, so it display within site template.
For the http:// error, we could tell the script that if http:// is empty, then to use my site url (it will not display anyway. That is just to trick the link check). Would be swell to limit that only if extendedlinkdesc is not empty (only admin and mod see it), in order to prevent people from posting blanks.