how do I make this work in postbit vertical? I can't see the tick to split posts.
Did you add the template modification in the instructions to the
postbit template?
Thanks! This works great! But I am getting an error, "Can't Find Phrase 'splitthread'". I didn't see any instructions for adding a phrase. but it's late here. Did I miss something? Seems to work anyway ...
Odd, I'm not sure why that would be occurring. I don't even get the thread split redirect message.
I'd like to see all the normal thread and post management tools in your hack, such as merging threads, physically deleting threads and posts, soft deleting threads/posts, etc. It would also be nice to have your inline tools work with this hack so you could mass download threads, and this hack for bumping a few threads at a time.
As stated previously in this thread: merging is on the to-do, and physically deleting is something I considered but decided against (it may wander its way into the hack in the future, though), and soft deletes already exist.
I don't have any intentions, however, to make this hack specifically compatible with other hacks. It's not hard to add custom actions if you know PHP, however.