Originally Posted by Zachery
I must tell you vBP is still very losely intergrated into vBulletin compared to vBa CMPS or vBindex. Yes it does allow you to use php or post nukes moduals, but there is still huge security holes in any nuke based coding.,
I think you need to study the all new version of vBPortal

that's if you are allowed to get in the contributors section
The vBPortal that's in the make (current version vBP V3 Beta 5, probably one more beta before Gold) is completely re-written, it's an add-on! no vBulletin modifications are needed, nuke is completely taken out and blows all the other socalled CMS and portals of the map.
The only thing that could blow vBP of the map is the vBCMS from Jeltsoft which is still a mistery to us all.