is there a shop option to add a profile midi/mp3... there's a site... it has the ability for it... but i just can't seem to find a place to get it for mine... if it's from an older version or something can we get an update to make it for this version or can someone give me a link to where it is if they know.... not so much meaning i have to host it... just where it will embed the play option into the members profile... like if i clicked it and bought it... i put in the link for the song i want to be playing and it embeds the link into my profile... if it's not made and someone does make it then make sure there's an option to delete it so another can be added in if they've decided to change their song
and as far as i know i edited all of the templates correctly but i'm going to redo it when i reset my board in a bit cuz i have been inputting the postbit template edits improperly... i did it according to what my friend used to edit but we both were editing the inactive one instead of the real on :-p... so i'll see how that works soon...