Ok I believe I need to manually add this to my database..
What would be the proper query strings for this?
PHP Code:
// Add v3 Article settings
if ($_REQUEST['caction'] == 2)
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "settinggroup (grouptitle, displayorder, volatile) VALUES ('v3_articles', '2000', '0')");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'settinggroup_v3_articles', 'v3 Articles', '5000')");
setting_add('v3 Articles Introduction', 'This introduction text will appear at the top of the main v3 Articles page. Use it to describe the purpose of the Articles section.', 'articleintroduction', '', '', 'textarea', '1');
setting_add('Comments Per Page', 'The number of comments to display on each page.', 'commentsperpage', '10', '10', '', '20');
setting_add('Comment Character Limit', 'The maximum character length of a user\'s comment.', 'commentlimit', '500', '500', '', '30');
setting_add('Articles Per Page', 'The number of articles to display on each page.', 'articlesperpage', '10', '10', '', '40');
setting_add('Article Attachment Limit', 'The maximum number of files which can be attached to an article.', 'maxarticleattachments', '10', '10', '', '50');
setting_add('Thumbnails Per Row', 'The number of "thumbnails", or media items to display per row.', 'artthumbsperrow', '4', '4', '', '60');
setting_add('Featured Article Preview Length', 'The number of characters to display before the preview text is truncated.', 'featuredlength', '550', '550', '', '70');