@ Xenon : "please help me even if the Vb2 Hack support is finished !"
How I have to modify your hack for show in usergroup combo box
the actual user's usergroup instead that the selected one ordered by this script ?
PHP Code:
// Build WHERE clause
$splitlist=explode(" ",$usergroups);
$wheresql= "0 ";
while (list($key,$val)=each($splitlist)) {
$wheresql.=" OR usergroupid=".$val;
echo "<tr class='".getrowbg()."' valign='top'>\n<td><p>$title</p></td>\n<td><p><select name=\"$name\"".iif($size!=0," size=\"$size\"","").">\n";
$result=$DB_site->query("SELECT title,usergroupid FROM usergroup WHERE ".$wheresql." ORDER BY title");
while ($currow=$DB_site->fetch_array($result)) {
Thank's in advace magister !