Originally Posted by Wordplay
this just ruined my board!! what the hell... how can i take this back out? i can't get any access to any of the files that are in my forum, or that access any forum files... the templates must have gotten messed up. oh man!!!! this is big trouble... i didn't backup any of the templates... i didn't know there was a hack that could mess up your entire board like this.
what can i do?? i can't even go to the: forum/install/hack_install.php file.
now the error i get when tried to reach any page inside my forum folder, or any other file even outside my forum folder that is somehow linked to the forum such as my cmps_index.php file, just doesn't show up, it loads for a couple of minutes, then states "page cannot be displayed". i'm running 3.0.3., the only way i could imagine how this went wrong is because i have a different style installed, so when it automatically updated the templates... it messed up.
This hack cannot and will not ruin your board, if your having issues browsing to files on your server it is not due to anything that our installer or file changes may have done, try reuploading fresh files. Does this work? Did your host change dns servers, or recompile php and it crashed?
Seeing that you are saying pages outside of your forums folder are not displaying correctly this indicates its a server related issue, PLEASE dont accuse us of somthing not working when it is clearly a server related issue.