this works great when my custom page is a simple display page.
I want now a page that has several possible forms which it populates from custom database fetches. The form you get depends on data you may have previously posted to the page. I have the code written, but I don't have the page integrated into vbulletin.
So for example in the part of my code that now outputs html, that html would move to a template or subtemplates, yes? (which I must declare in the template list?) How do I go about populating them with variables I make up? I see in the vbulletin code several ways to use templates, and not sure which method to use or why.
Oh one more thing: If possible, I want also this page to look like the usercp, not the main forum.
To be concrete:
Supose my code has
SELECT * from mydatatable WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]
Then I submit the query and fetch a row into a variable called $mydatatable
I'm just gonna try to use $mydatatable in the template and see what happens.