djnth, the answer to that is yes, truly universal. Aside from the name of the file you linking to still being named vbgarage the rest can be used for what ever you want. Right now I have 20 spots for "option2" like for size, color, type like stuff. There are 10 spots for seperate text fields, aslo a "title". Since templates are easy to edit once you make special templates for a certian genre you can make a sql download of the templates an phrases you used an post them here for someone else.
Integra99 has gotten ahold of me an sounds like I'll be picking up the development on the mod now, atleast for the next release. So rest assured multi-car feature will be in the next release. I've never been good at giving release dates, but I will say soon if I stop trying to add on to what I have it will be soon.
One more thing, since I will take over the original vbgarage I can use the original name, no need to call it v3garage. It was just so we didn't have to vbgarage mods going.