Originally Posted by MickDoneDee
Can you explain why you've changed the text in the phrase thread_displayproxyip ....
Well I would have hoped it was obvious from looking at it. The old template has the ip's reversed (i.e. it displays the proxyip as the real ip, and vice versa) - there is also now a forth line to display the proxy servers host name.
Originally Posted by MickDoneDee
<if condition="($post[proxyip] != '' & $permissions['adminpermissions'])">
I changed it to <if condition="($post[proxyip] != '')">
to allow my supermods to see the red gif identifying the proxy users.
Fine, it was just an extra check and should probably be removed anyway as it's a bit redundant. Interestingly, our supermods can see them anyway. If I do another update I'll probably remove it myself.