Bad timing, possibly. Something to think about, perhaps, while you are away.
How about a 'your favourites' category?
A category which is created by default upon installation with an admin option to use it or not. It's display order is at the top by default. (Which as an aside makes me think that maybe categories should have a display order also).
If enabled, every link in the database has an 'add to favourites' link which adds that link to the favourites list for that member. That link is then displayed in the 'your favourites' category.
Each link displayed in the 'your favourites' category has a 'remove from favourites' link against it for obvious reasons.
I thought that maybe this functionality is duplicating your browser favourites list, but the advantage in using the forum links database is that we validate the links regularly and maintain each user's list irrespective of which browser they use (some use several).