Thanks Paul. Yesterday I installed
Proxy Detector v3.1 - for Posts and WOL which also allows you to see the Proxy IP address and Real IP address in Who's Online when User Agent info is displayed.
I think I discovered a bug afterwards in relation to the Revert function which caused my Whosonline template to disappear. I explained what happened in
this post.
Today I added your Proxy IP Hack Modification v1.1. Can you explain why you've changed the text in the phrase thread_displayproxyip from
Below is text from original Proxy Detector v3.0 hack which is replaced
The proxy IP Address is: $postinfo[ipaddress]<br>
The proxy host name is: $postinfo[hostaddress]<br>
The real IP Address is: $postinfo[proxyip]
Real IP Address : $postinfo[ipaddress]<br>
Proxy Server IP Address : $postinfo[proxyip]<br>
Why was this necessary?
Also, in your postbit_ip modification one of the lines you add is:
<if condition="($post[proxyip] != '' & $permissions['adminpermissions'])">
I changed it to <if condition="($post[proxyip] != '')">
to allow my supermods to see the red gif identifying the proxy users.