Originally Posted by Yoshi
ok I've tested the hole time now!
And I dunno why it doesn't work
Everyone has the permission to upload Pic's but only the Admin can do this.
And the integration doesn't work correctly
upload is only possible when the UDB_INTEGRATION is commented, if I uncomment nobady can upload any more.
error msg form user:
Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files
error msg from admin:
Invalid action for form creation.
Now I've upped the File from Vbulletin.org replaced vbulletin30.inc.php...
now its a Bridge for Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.2.0
User: Dummy-User
PW : 000
now I've installed coppermine vers 1.2.1 and everthing works... but 1 thing doesn't work
User cant upload files, why? (Admin is ok but normal User cant upload)