Here are the server details I'm planning on going with.
Microprocessor Dual 2.8GHz Xeon Processors*
RAM 1GB RAM*, upgradeable to 4GB
Hard Drive 1 x 73GB SCSI HDD
IP Addresses 11*, upgradeable to 59
OS Choice of Redhat Enterprise 3.0*, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Debian, or FreeBSD
Bandwidth 2000GB*, upgradeable to 3000GB
Control Panel Available cPanel, Helm or Plesk
Web Analytics Available Urchin 5.0
Database Available MySQL, Shared or Dedicated Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Oracle 10G Standard Edition One
Firewall Available Cisco Pix 506e or 515e
Management Plan Gold*, Platinum or Titanium