Originally Posted by JBMoney
Is there anything about the templates or some other caveat of this hack I might have missed, that would make it almost impossible to pull up.
I've installed it twice now, and each time it's pretty much unusable.
I've been tinkering with it all day and going back over the directions, but I've only been successful in actually getting it to pull up three times. When it does pull up, it looks great and seems to be creating the statistics just as it should be.
It just doesn't want to pull up though. I get 'page cannot be displayed errors' more than 9 times out of 10 (timeout?), meanwhile the rest of the forum seems fine.
Hey... I always talk to myself.
As follow-up, every single option page pulls up perfectly fine. It's only the main page. I've tried removing elements from templates to see if that had anything to do with it, and it didn't. So whatever is going on probably is related to statistik.php itself. Since I don't understand German or PHP too well, it's kind of hard to figure that part out.
I am using the most up to date statistik.php.