You know, the issue with the thief action not working has been brought up 4-5 times on this thread, but I don't see anywhere that it's been answered. At a minimum, can you just tell me what I could do to hardcode the rep points to taken off for a successfull thief. Then I can move on...
This is the code section that's not pulling anything up for subtracted rep points.
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions['uttpoints_pointtable']." SET ".$vboptions['uttpoints_pointsfield']."=".$vboptions['uttpoints_pointsfield']."+".$_FIELDS['points'].", reputation=reputation-".$action['replosts']." WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
I tried slapping a 0 in there once, but for some reason it created some goofiness.