Hi all, my first post here
I'm not sure if the orignal author is still supporting the hack but I have a problem, when I first installed the mod, it had a few problems so I ended up reinstalling/uploading it from scratch,
second time I installed it I don't have so many options, this is how it looked the first time round
(The arrow was added to help explain the system on my forum so you can ignore it)
Now no one can see any options below the
Actions tab, also the 4 links that do show are dead links, they lead nowhere, maybe I missed something, they worked the first time, I don't really want to start from scratch again since I'm pretty sure everything else is perfect and don't want to riisk running into anymore errors, what .php should I look into to find the problem?
If anyone could help I would be eternally greatful, sorry if I was a bit vague or if this problem has been explained a few pages back
thank you