Originally Posted by Colin F
Hi memyselfandi
These permissions are set like that to stop users from requesting modifications if they don't have a license. As they didn't buy a license, the chance is big that they won't pay for the modifications either.
In your case, why not buy vBulletin and then you can request an install. The installation can just as well be a week after the purchase...
Regarding unprofessionalism of vBulletin: don't judge that according to just this small problem. It could easily have been a misunderstanding on either side.
Well no I will not get anything until I know it will work for us!
this is a VERY bizarre business model? I am a director of a 10 years in business company I can not support this kind of ventures. I need to know that we can get is what we need at a price that fits our budget.
Actually if anything this kind of approach only fuels unlicensed behavior?
We have use ubb from version 1 and just looking to possibly switch to vB because it may or may not have the extra features we need.