Originally Posted by Warlord
I had no idea this stuff was possible. I don't think this is in the manual.
Are all these items/potions/spells/armor, etc going to be standard, pre-installed (with attack/def levels/buff already input) in v3? That would rock.
And thanks for adding me to MSN.. look forward to seeing you online. 
Yes that there IS in the Admin Manual, even the default one IIRC
Nope, to have them more preinstalled than now is impossible.
Because the SQL NEEDS to be updated with the battle types, and buff levles is something each admin has to decide for himself.
Originally Posted by rinkrat
My users are getting "Fighter used a potion but it had no effect" every time they use a potion. Is there something I have to tweak to get them working?
You have to do the same as for the spells, set the categories' battle type once again, then set attributes for MA and HP healing.
Originally Posted by starfantazy
k, got it, now i did the database fix several times, went in and redid 6 hack installs and tried everything i could think of, yet i continue to get this error:
and the latest:
This happens when i go to and try to edit my own character. My board is at the link in my siggie. it has taken me 5 hours to double check, reinstall and everything else. so, if the only way this is to be fixed is to check my file edits....well...
As it has been stated multiple times in this thread, if you get dbase timeout errors, its because of the way PHP is compiled on the server.
In short, it sucks.
It causes some glitch with the Female class that only seems to happen to 20 % of the installs. It will probably be fixed in v3, once SquareUltima gets around to installing the v3 Alpha I sent to them (Alpha because the ACP isnt finished plus it hasnt been tested much) we'll see if it fixes itself.